Thursday, September 29, 2011


Capturing wildlife images is one of the most challenging types of nature photography.  The first step is to find the varmint.  Next, there's the challenge of getting close enough and grabbing a few shots as the animal is moving around.

Of course, you can always do it in a zoo.  Careful positioning and cropping can yield some excellent pictures.  I'll have to dig some out of my archives soon, since it'll be a while before I get a chance to visit the zoo again.

Another way to make things happen is to go for the semi-tame animals in the city or at campgrounds.

Yes, there is wildlife in this photo,  Just look at the very top of the lighthouse.

See?  Told you so!  That bird is definitely on the top of the pecking order because he has the only high perch for half a mile or so.

These birds get to share with each other...

... and a squirrel

... and another squirrel

If you look more closely, you will see that he is chewing on a black walnut.  There are little bits of shell dust falling to the ground.

Of course, not all squirrels like high perches.  This little chipmunk is perfectly happy to root around in the wood chips and snatch crumbs from the tourists.

 This critter isn't so wild.

In fact, he's kind of sleepy.

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